
The Dark Eye RPG—English Edition

Created by Ulisses Spiele

The premier German roleplaying game—in continuous publication for more than 30 years—now in a brand new English edition!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Gods of Aventuria Crowdfunding Now!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 04:49:57 PM

Hello backers!

If you haven't seen it already, be sure to check out the latest crowdfunding campaign for The Dark Eye: Gods of Aventuria!

This crowdfunding completes not only the last of the basic rulebooks for The Dark Eye in English, but also the remaining adventures of the Theater Knights campaign!

Check it out on GameOnTabletop right now!

Eric for Ulisses International

Magic of Aventuria crowdfunding - only 7 days to go!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 12:10:33 PM


The Magic of Aventuria crowdfunding has only 7 days left and we thought it might be interesting four you to share an update! Want to check out our crowdfunding? Follow this link:

With Magic of Aventuria you extend your gameplay and you get detailed information about magic in Aventuria. Let Niko tell you what Magic of Aventuria is all about:

We also offer addon bundles to extend your The Dark Eye collection. For example a Compendium bundle, an Essentials bundle, an Accessory bundle and the Warring Kingdoms bundle. We also offer some cool addon products like dice trays, all rolled ups and more.

Oh, and make sure to follow us on Facebook to stay up to date! Thank you!

Have a great day!

The Aventuria Compendium is on Kickstarter now!
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 06:40:50 PM

Hello Backers!

The Dark Eye continues to grow! As owners of the Core Rules, you already know the variety that this game has to offer - so many different skills, advantages, professions, and so on. The world of Aventuria has been yours to explore for over a year and half already, and now it's getting bigger!

The Aventuria Compendium is the first major rules supplement for The Dark Eye to be released in English, and it is on Kickstarter now!

Whether your characters prefer weapons or words, the Compendium gives your heroes exciting new options for interacting with the world of The Dark Eye! As a player, choose the rules that you like best. Options can apply to all characters or even just to one—you decide how you want to play!

The Kickstarter also includes the Aventuria Armory, a supplement that not only describes a wide variety of weapons and armor in detail, but provides an extensive list of adventuring gear and reference materials for the academic in your party as well!

We have already funded and are moving through stretch goals quickly, so come check out the Aventuria Compendium Kickstarter!

ENnie Nomination for the Aventuria Almanac
about 7 years ago – Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 12:12:55 AM

Hello backers!

We haven't sent you emails through this particular Kickstarter in a while, but we wanted to catch you up on a couple of great pieces of news.

ENnie Award Nomination

The Aventuria Almanac has been nominated for an ENnie Award in the category of Best Setting! If you haven't picked up the Almanac yet, this is also a great time to get it, since we have made it half off on DriveThruRPG!

The ENnie Awards are the fan-selected awards that are presented at Gen Con every year. A panel of judges selects the nominees and then fans get to vote on each category. If you haven't already voted, you should head to the ballot now! There are just two days left to vote!

You can also vote for Ulisses Spiele for fan favorite publisher.

And while you're there, you might consider supporting some of our partners like Pinnacle (Savage Rifts) and Black Book Editions (Polaris RPG) in some of the other categories.

And speaking of partners...

Cthulhu Wars Onslaught 3

Right now Sandy Petersen Games is Kickstarting Cthulhu Wars Onslaught 3, an update to their popular Cthulhu Wars boardgame. Ulisses Spiele is handling the German translation, and Orkenspalter TV has even done Let's Play videos in German!

Go check it out now!

Thank you again for all your help, and thank you to those of you that have joined us for the Warring Kingdoms Kickstarter! We are looking forward to new ways to help spread The Dark Eye to even more fans in the coming months!