
The Dark Eye RPG—English Edition

Created by Ulisses Spiele

The premier German roleplaying game—in continuous publication for more than 30 years—now in a brand new English edition!

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Page Preview - Elwene, Blessed One of Rondra
over 8 years ago – Mon, May 23, 2016 at 11:14:02 PM

As we are getting closer to the end, we wanted to start providing you with samples of how the finished Core Rules actually look. Below are two pages from the chapter on Hero Creation in which we show the sample character Elwene, Blessed One of Rondra, using art, stats, and a short story fragment. There are a number of other characters laid out the same way.

We wanted to share this with you so you could get a general sense of the overall look of the book as well. (Please note that this is a .png export from the editing draft of the PDF, so it is not full resolution.)

In other news, be on the lookout in the next few days for an important announcement regarding the limited leatherbound editions. We believe we are going to be able to make a few more of those available. There won't be many, so make sure you keep watching the Kickstarter and our social media. We'll give at least a one day warning so everyone can prepare.

Meanwhile, we have now unlocked 29 stretch goals, including our first d12, the Archdemons die. Thanks to everyone for your support!

Locations - The Lands of the South
over 8 years ago – Sun, May 22, 2016 at 04:19:45 AM

Our second set of locations deals with some of the countries that are far to the south of Aventuria, reaching down to the very tip of the continent.

Southern Lands

In the south lies the Empire of Al’Anfa. Its capital of the same name, sometimes called the Boil of the South, is filled with intrigues and decadence. There a stranger’s life is worth only what it can fetch in the slave markets. Most slaves are sold to great landowners, and work farms and groves to increase their owners’ wealth.

The jungles of the Far South and the Forest Islands are home to the Utulus and the Forest Folk, whose daily struggles for survival include facing threats from Al’Anfan manhunters and other slavers. Off the coast, the Southern Sea is dotted with countless small, selfgoverned islands ruled by colonists or pirates. Here, it is rumored, one can find legendary buried treasures or even set sail for the unexplored continent of Uthuria.

Beyond the mountains to the east of the Horasian Empire, Novadi tribes rule the huge Khôm Desert. Many caravans fall victim to the unforgiving Khôm and these nomadic warriors of the Caliphate. The Novadi people worship a single god named Rastullah, and just sneer at polytheistic outsiders (whom they consider ignorant heathens.)

Don't forget that English-language editor Kevin MacGregor is giving a Q&A tonight at 7pm Central (UTC -5). Head to if you want to watch and ask questions. Or check the archive at if you missed it.

Thank you once again to all our backers and fans! And thank you to Kickstarter for making us a "Project We Love!"

Rules Preview - Spells and Cantrips
over 8 years ago – Sun, May 22, 2016 at 04:16:46 AM

Magic effects are purchased individually in The Dark Eye, which means you can customize your magic user exactly to your tastes. Many spells tend to be restricted by the particular magical tradition from which your character arose, but Cantrips are available to all. Here are a few examples:

Lucky Fingers (Cantrip)
The spellcaster can pick a desired item from a vast number of objects by chance. It’s possible to draw a certain card in a card game, draw exactly the coin desired from a pouch, or choose the right key from a ring with dozens. The spellcaster must know the desired item and it must be present.
Range: Self
Duration: Immediate
Target Category: Objects
Property: Clairvoyance

Disruptivo (Spell)
An anti-magical formula that makes spells harder to cast within a defined area. This spell was invented as a training aid to make tests more difficult for magical apprentices.
Effect: This basic anti-magic spell impairs all kinds of magic in a radius of QL x 2 yards around the spellcaster. It does so by issuing vibrations that disrupt surrounding arcane patterns. It imposes a penalty (based on QL—see below) on all checks for spells and rituals either cast in the area or taking effect there. Disruptivo affects your own spells, as well. Before casting, you must declare whether the zone will move with you or remain stationary.
  QL 1: Penalty -1
  QL 2: Penalty -2
  QL 3: Penalty -3
  QL 4: Penalty -4
  QL 5: Penalty -5
  QL 6: Penalty -6
Casting Time: 8 Actions
AE Cost: 8 AE (casting) + 4 AE per 5 minutes
Range: Self
Duration: Sustained
Target Category: Zone
Property: Anti-Magic
Traditions: General
Improvement Cost: B

Fighting Stick (Spell)This spell, known mainly to witches, gives a broom or other wooden stick the semblance of life.Check: SGC/DEX/STREffect: The target broom or other staff attacks a target of your choice at a distance of up to 8 yards (after casting the spell, both target and broom can move farther away from the witch). The broom is unbreakable for the duration of the spell and is considered a magical weapon that makes 1 attack per combat round. It cannot use combat maneuvers. Its stats are INI 12+1D6, AT 8 (+QL x 3), DP 1D6+3, MOV 12. If the broom kills its target before the duration expires, or the enemy somehow flees, it attacks another target at random within 16 yards (this might even be the caster). If no target is within range at that time, the spell ends. To grab the broom, you must make a successful attack with Brawling and the special ability Grapple (the broom/staff has PA equal to half its AT, Feat of Strength 10, and 14 in all relevant attributes).
Casting Time: 2 Actions
AE Cost: 4 AE (casting) + 2 AE per combat round
Range: 16 yards
Duration: Sustained
Target Category: Objects
Property: Telekinesis
Traditions: Witch
Improvement Cost: B

PDF Reward Timing

One of the most important things we are working on behind the scenes is getting the Core Rules PDF ready for the end of the Kickstarter. We are on track to have that finalized in time, and our plan is to send it out to all backers as fast as we can once the campaign closes.

We believe we will also be able to send out several other digital rewards at that time, but we can't be sure at this moment which ones will be included. We will continue to send out additional rewards every week until you have them all. But we understand that you are very eager to see the Core Rules, so that is absolutely our top priority.

We will have more details on this as we get closer to June 2nd.

Thank you to all our backers and supporters! We're excited to share this book with you!

Rules Preview - Special Abilities
over 8 years ago – Sat, May 21, 2016 at 02:12:04 PM

Special Abilities

As we've shown in previous updates, Advantages and Disadvantages provide additional unique information about your character. Special Abilities, on the other hand, are directly related to skills, often providing additional uses of specific skills that your character can learn. There a variety of categories, including general, combat, magic, and blessed. There are also Fate Point Special Abilities that give you additional options for spending your Fate Points on powerful mechanical effects. Here are a few samples:

Horse Faker (General Special Ability)
Horse fakers know ways to make old or sick animals look better or hide their sickness to get the best possible price. <You might have seen this in old TV westerns. Now you know what to call it. —Editor>
Rules: makes horses, ponies, and other livestock look healthier or younger than they really are. The character gains the new application Horse Faker for the skill Commerce. Roll twice when making a check using Commerce (Haggling) to sell livestock, keeping the better result. To see through this kind of deception, the target must make a competitive check using Animal Lore (Domesticated Animals) against the horse faker’s Animal Lore (Domesticated Animals).
Prerequisites: Animal Lore 8, Commerce 4

Takedown (Combat Special Ability)
Use a polearm to knock an enemy down.
Rules: Your attack suffers a penalty of 4, and your opponent may defend. If your attack succeeds and the opponent’s defense fails, the opponent falls down and gains the state of prone. This attack does 1D3 DP (ignoring PRO).
Penalty: -4
Prerequisites: STR 13
Combat Techniques: Polearms 

Forbidden Gates (Magic Special Ability)
You can substitute life points for arcane energy.
Rules: You can use LP instead of AE to cast spells. You must spend at least 1 AE per spell. Doing so is very painful and requires a successful Self-Control check. If the check fails, so does the spell (and like any failed spell, you must pay half the normal cost). You must pay for spells with AE first, and can only draw from LP when too few AE remain to pay for the spell.
Requirements: COU 12

Focus (Blessed Special Ability)The hero is harder to distract while casting liturgical chants or ceremonies. Checks using Self-Control (Ignore Distractions) receive a bonus of 1.
Prerequisites: COU 13

Vigilance (Fate Point Special Ability)
A character with Vigilance can sense a dangerous situation before it happens. Examples include an animal attack or an ambush by a robber gang.
Rules: A hero suffering from the state of surprised can spend one FtP to remove the state at once.
Prerequisites: None

The Dark Eye in the Media

If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, please check out part 1 of Orkenspalter TV's Let's Play of The Dark Eye in English:

Also, fan and backer Bernhard Jung is in the middle of making an extremely thorough video series walking you through what is in the German version of the Core Rules:

Please bear in mind that layout will change a bit in translation from what you see in those videos, but the overall content should be very similar.

Media Appearances by the North American Team
Timothy Brown is being interviewed this week on the Misdirected Mark Podcast (in their interview show, The Lounge). We'll post on social media when that episode is up. And Kevin MacGregor will be doing a Q&A for the #RPGnet channel on Wednesday the 18th from 7-9 Central Time (UTC -5). You can find out more information about the format of that Q&A at

Rules Preview - Example of Combat
over 8 years ago – Sun, May 15, 2016 at 01:53:17 PM

The Core Rules include several examples of play to show you how The Dark Eye works in practice. We thought it might be helpful to include an excerpt of the section on combat:

Example of Combat

Dusk spreads over the edge of the Reichsforst. Arbosh and Geron follow a wounded roebuck’s trail through the undergrowth. Geron tries to explain to his friend that wearing chainmail won’t make hunting any easier, when they suddenly stumble upon three orc bandits. The orcs appear to have found the roebuck first. After a brief moment of surprise, the three bandits charge our heroes.

Arbosh pulls out his ax and braces against the first orc bandit’s attack. The orc forces Arbosh’s shield to the side and wounds him with his crude ax. Geron aims his crossbow and shoots the second coal pelt. The bolt hits the orc in the chest—a lucky hit—and with a groan, the orc drops. The third orc bandit hesitates for a moment but then charges. Now the two heroes and the remaining two orcs are locked in melee…

Here is the same scene, explained in terms of the rules.

The early-morning haze imposes a visibility modifier of Level I for Arbosh and Geron (see Visibility, page 239). Orcs have Darksight I and ignore the visibility modifier for twilight. Arbosh’s chain mail has a PRO of 4 but restricts his movements, giving him two levels of the condition Encumbrance (see Conditions, page 32).

When the two heroes first encounter the three orcs, everyone rolls for initiative to determine the order in which they can act. The first combat round begins (see Combat Round, below).

Arbosh draws his ax, taking one action. He already has a shield in his other hand. The orc makes an attack on its turn with an attack stat of 13. The GM rolls a 9 for the orc, so the attack is successful.

Arbosh tries a defense, parrying with his shield. His parry skill is 12, but he has two levels of the condition Encumbrance, so he suffers a penalty of 2. His player rolls a 14. The defense fails and the orc bandit hits Arbosh. The GM rolls for the damage points of the orc ax. This type of ax does 1d6+5 points of damage. The GM rolls a 5, for a total of 5 + 5 = 10 damage points. Arbosh subtracts 4 (the PRO for his chain mail) from the damage roll. He therefore takes 10-4=6 points of damage, and must reduce his life points by 6.

Geron chooses to attack as his action and makes a check using Ranged Combat against the second orc. After calculating bonuses and penalties, his ranged combat stat is 11. His player rolls a 1 on the attack roll—a lucky result. The same bonuses and penalties apply to the confirmation roll, so he again rolls against an 11 and this time gets a 4. The attack really is a critical success!

The GM decides that the orc tries to dodge. He must halve his Dodge of 7 against the attack, leaving him with a 4 (3.5 rounded up). The GM rolls an 8, and the defense fails. The orc bandit is about to learn an important lesson in pain. Because the orc is at close range, Geron deals 1D6+7 DP with his crossbow. He rolls a 4, but the critical hit doubles the result for an impressive 22 damage points. The orc takes enough damage to receive two levels of the condition Pain (see Conditions, page 33), and it slumps to the ground.

The third orc chooses movement for his action in order to get within attack distance of Geron (see Determine Attack Distance, page 230) to engage him in close combat in the next round.

The first combat round ends, and the next one begins.

Stretch Goal Progress

The Kickstarter is now on its tenth day, and in that time you have helped us to unlock 23 stretch goals, all of which directly add to the value of your pledge! At this time, backers at just the very first reward level (Core Rules Digital) are receiving the following bonus material:

  • Three free adventures (A Goblin More or Less, The Molted Serpent, and The Thorwal Drum)
  • Three Aventurian Heralds
  • A high-res digital map of Aventuria
  • Deep Rules 1 (Monsters) and Deep Rules 2 (Combat Rules)
  • Two short stories (“Duty, Part 1” and “Herbalism”)

In addition to all of those digital rewards, backers at any physical level will also receive the following:

  • Physical copies of the adventures and Heralds
  • A fold-out poster of the map of Aventuria
  • Two specialty dice Six chapter-specific bookmarks
  • Thirteen stickers of the Aventurian gods

And we’re not done yet! There are still many more stretch goals to unlock, every one of which will make your pledge more valuable. We are thrilled to be able to share all of these great additionatl rewards. We could not have done it without you!