
The Dark Eye RPG—English Edition

Created by Ulisses Spiele

The premier German roleplaying game—in continuous publication for more than 30 years—now in a brand new English edition!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Slight Dice Delay, Now Moving Forward!
about 8 years ago – Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 02:22:04 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

PDFs Complete, Shipping Information, and More!
about 8 years ago – Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 11:15:26 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

PDF Distribution and Checking BackerKit
about 8 years ago – Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 11:40:07 PM

Just before the weekend, we distributed PDF copies of the first four adventures we had ready, Witch's Dance, A Goblin More or Less, Kibakadabra, and The Molted Serpent.

Did you get yours? If not, there are a number of things you definitely want to check:

  • Is your BackerKit survey complete? We still have 52 backers who haven't answered their surveys (which is actually quite good). Are you one of them? If you don't remember how to find your survey, please let us know!
  • Do we have the correct email address? If your DriveThruRPG account is attached to a different address than the one listed in BackerKit, did you provide that address during the Kickstarter survey? If not, you need to let us know what address to use.
  • Is your DriveThruRPG account set to allow email from Ulisses Spiele? You can check your settings by clicking on the Account tab and scrolling down to the link for "Select how I wish to be contacted by publishers." (Under E-Mail Notifications)
  • Is your email account shoving the DTRPG emails into spam? Make sure to add them to trusted senders so that you won't miss anything.

It is very important to take care of these things, as we will generally not be sending out advance warnings when we are fulfilling PDFs. If you haven't gotten anything yet, take care of it now so that you can catch up and not miss any more!

Also, we are not quite to the time when we will be locking down addresses. That's still probably two to three weeks away. We will try to send out advance notice when we're about to do that, so please keep an eye out. And of course you can always just make sure to update your information right now so there's no chance of any issues.

PDFs are fairly easy to resend. Postal packages are a lot more difficult. Please help us keep errors to a minimum!

Meanwhile, we hope you are enjoying your PDF adventures! There should definitely another item or two in a couple of days.

-Eric for Ulisses Spiele

 PS - Are you on the forums? Please join the discussion and help us grow that community!

Free RPG Day Follow-up
over 8 years ago – Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 11:46:54 PM

(Note to backers - thanks for your patience as we post an informational update to all those folks just joining us.)

So you saw the Dark Eye Quick Start Rules and wondered what we're all about? Great! Let us give you all the places you can go to find out the things you need to know.

First, the Kickstarter is over. It was, however, wildly successful thanks to over 1600 backers! If you're just hearing about it now for the first time, we understand that it can be hard to catch all of the RPG Kickstarters happening these days. But if you want to participate, you still can! Just head over to our BackerKit PreOrder page:

The PDF of the Core Rules will also be available very soon on DriveThruRPG. As of this posting, we expect that to be available to the public sometime on Tuesday, June 21st.

But What is The Dark Eye?

It's the longest-running RPG system in Germany, and one of the most thoroughly written settings in all of roleplaying. Continuously developed for over 30 years and now in its 5th German Edition, The Dark Eye is a European-flavored fantasy world with an incredibly rich history.

You can learn more from reading our Kickstarter campaign and watching the accompanying videos. You can check out our blog:

You can watch the actual play videos done by Orkenspalter TV:

And you can follow us on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. You can also join the discussion on our English-language forum, which is a great place to ask more detailed questions:

Thanks to everyone who participated in Free RPG Day!

over 8 years ago – Fri, Jun 03, 2016 at 12:54:11 AM

Thank you all so much! We're so thrilled at the amazing support everyone has shown! Our final stats were -

Total funds: $147,512 (1475% funded)
Backers: 1,619

That's just incredible! And as a special bonus thank-you, we have decided to still count the final stretch goal if we can reach $150,000 with our BackerKit totals, which means it is almost guaranteed.

What Happens Next

The first thing that's going to happen is that tomorrow (June 3rd), you will receive the Kickstarter survey. This is not the full survey, but it does include one very important question: What is your DriveThruRPG account email?

Make sure you have that account ready to go and answer that survey question right away! We're asking for that before we even send out the BackerKit survey because we want to get the Core Rules PDF to you as soon as possible. We'll probably send the first batch early next week.

By that time, we should have the BackerKit surveys going out as well. The BackerKit survey period will stay open for much longer, because we'll need to do a lot of resolving of addresses, shipping amounts, add-ons, and so forth. We will also be opening a pre-order page for those who were not able to participate in the Kickstarter. Keep an eye out for that!

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them. We will make sure to keep all our communication channels open. We know that many of you had individual needs and requests, and we will definitely be addressing those in the coming days and weeks. We won't forget you!

In the meantime, raise a glass with us and celebrate this wonderful beginning for The Dark Eye's English-speaking community! You did it!